"Walking Upon the Way"
FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS A short questionnaire intended to help students determine if studying Yuhwihkihn Medicine under a Nemenhah Pehli is appropriate for them in their sacred walk.
Yuhwihkihn Medicine with Wellamotkin Dr. Jonathan "Wellamotkin" Landis is accepting students for his 2025 bi-weekly Way-Walking Zoom Study Group.
After completing the Questionnaire at left, contact Wellamotkin about class openings using the link below: |
Yuhwihkihn Medicine is the ritual preparation of one's body, mind, and spirit for "walking upon the Way" using the ancient principles of the Tuhhuhl Nuhmehn (traditional Nemenhah Religion) as contained in the Ayahtkuhyaht Nemenhah (Sacred Records of the Ancient Nemenhah) - Complete Text. This ancient religion, with its ordinances, ceremonies and celebrations, has at its core one primary objective, which is to help the individual prepare themselves physically and spiritually to walk upon the Iskit-Sahnhehmpeht ("the Way").
The Way, as described in Grandfather Ohuhgohuh's Book of the Tuhhuhl Nuhmehn, is best understood by modern-day Yuhwihkihn-Pehli ("Way-Walkers") as a sacred domain that can be reached in spirit only and has been set apart by the Peacemaker for the purpose of facilitating holy communion between mortals and the spirits of our Ancestors, the Haymehnay-Pehli ("Holy Spirit"), and even (if/when appropriate) Ayahtsuhway Sahnehmpeht ("the Peacemaker") Himself.
The "Way-Walker" trains their mind, body, and spirit in the principles that prepare one to be taken upon the Way by the Haymehnay through the study and application of an ancient system of ritual learning known within Nemenhah as the Iskit-Lehbhihmptsah, or the "Medicine Wheel of the Sacred Order of Lehb."
Within this system, every sacred principle is studied individually, addressed within its own "point" or "sacred habitation" within the Medicine Wheel. Once the principles contained within each Sacred Habitation is clearly understood, they are all brought together into a unified system of practical and spiritual critical decision-making that, when employed often, systematically restores the spirit of Tsiahn ("Enduring Peace") to one's heart and mind and aids and enhances the practitioner's preparation for walking upon the Way.
The Way, as described in Grandfather Ohuhgohuh's Book of the Tuhhuhl Nuhmehn, is best understood by modern-day Yuhwihkihn-Pehli ("Way-Walkers") as a sacred domain that can be reached in spirit only and has been set apart by the Peacemaker for the purpose of facilitating holy communion between mortals and the spirits of our Ancestors, the Haymehnay-Pehli ("Holy Spirit"), and even (if/when appropriate) Ayahtsuhway Sahnehmpeht ("the Peacemaker") Himself.
The "Way-Walker" trains their mind, body, and spirit in the principles that prepare one to be taken upon the Way by the Haymehnay through the study and application of an ancient system of ritual learning known within Nemenhah as the Iskit-Lehbhihmptsah, or the "Medicine Wheel of the Sacred Order of Lehb."
Within this system, every sacred principle is studied individually, addressed within its own "point" or "sacred habitation" within the Medicine Wheel. Once the principles contained within each Sacred Habitation is clearly understood, they are all brought together into a unified system of practical and spiritual critical decision-making that, when employed often, systematically restores the spirit of Tsiahn ("Enduring Peace") to one's heart and mind and aids and enhances the practitioner's preparation for walking upon the Way.
Opening the Iskit-Lehbhihmptsah (the "Medicine Wheel" of the Sacred Order of Lehb):
• Ayahtkuhyaht Nemenhah- Sacred Records of the Ancient Nemenhah (Complete Text), by Dr. Phillip "Cloudpiler" Landis: http://www.nemenhah.org/publications.html
• The Legend of Tohohyayloh Ahkehkt (Medicine Wheel Vision received by Cloudpiler upon the Way during his Vision Quest)
• Sacred Nemenhah Medicine Wheel Expressions (with pronunciation aids)
• Wyaykihn Received by Wellamotkin upon the Way regarding the Haymehnay
• Ayahtkuhyaht Nemenhah- Sacred Records of the Ancient Nemenhah (Complete Text), by Dr. Phillip "Cloudpiler" Landis: http://www.nemenhah.org/publications.html
• The Legend of Tohohyayloh Ahkehkt (Medicine Wheel Vision received by Cloudpiler upon the Way during his Vision Quest)
• Sacred Nemenhah Medicine Wheel Expressions (with pronunciation aids)
• Wyaykihn Received by Wellamotkin upon the Way regarding the Haymehnay