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GC Ballot
Nemenhah Study Group
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GC Ballot
VOTER BALLOT - September, 2021
Voter Information
This information is used for identification and verification purposes and is not published or made available to the general Nemenhah or domestic public without the Voter's prior written consent. The information provided in this form will be used by the Office of the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt, or an agent of same, to communicate with the Voter if necessary.
Indicates required field
FRM Issued Title of Nobility or Office (enter "N/A" if not applicable)
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Zip Code
Phone Number
I AM...
a spiritually adopted Nemenhah Citizen in Good Standing.
a member of a Nemenhah Recognized Traditional Indigenous Bloodline and/or Heritage.
a recognized Representative and/or Delegate of the Federation of Royal Maya.
Review the NEMENHAH CODE: TITLE 1§1.e for more information.
General Pattern (a brief outline):
All Nemenhah Citizens in Good Standing are entitled to present Propositions of Amendment, Mandates, Policy and/or any manner of structural or legal change within the Nemenhah to the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt for consideration for entry into the Great Council Agenda each year. Said Propositions may not directly contradict or eliminate any Article or Statute found within the Nemenhah Constitution and Code, unless the proposed changes also present a relevant compelling impetus and empirical necessity for said proposition. Propositions must be presented to the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt six months prior to any Great Council proceeding.
Nemenhah Great Council is a unanimous consensus council system. A single vote in Opposition returns the Proposition to Council for debate before a second vote is called by the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt. If the Proposition is not passed after three consecutive votes, it is stricken from the Great Council's agenda and tabled for later discussion amongst the Pehli. If the Proposition is passed by unanimous consensus (constituting 100% "Skyward" and/or "Windward" votes), the Proposition is entered into the general mandate of the Office of the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt for implementation and enforcement.
In accordance with ancient Nemenhah Custom, Delegates are asked to cast the "Thumb Vote" wherein each Delegate present indicates their agreement, opposition, and/or impartiality regarding the offered Propositions by extending their hand with the thumb raised in one of three positions:
"Skyward" or thumb-up votes are counted in
absolute agreement.
"Earthward" or thumb-down votes are counted in
absolute opposition.
"Windward" or thumb-sideways votes indicate that the Delegate has reservations pertaining to the Proposition or does not necessarily agree but does not believe his or her general disagreement and/or reservations merit the cessation or interruption of Great Council process at this time. This vote is counted in the affirmative with special notation.
*** NO AMENDMENTS have been proposed to the Office of the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt at this time. ***
IT IS PROPOSED by the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt that the Delegates of Great Council ratify the Nemenhah Constitution as presently constituted for one year, to which I cast the following vote:
Thumb Skyward (up, agree)
Thumb Windward (sideways, impartial)
Thumb Downward (down, oppose)
If an opposing vote is cast, you are required to make a statement regarding your reasons and position pertaining to the opposition of the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt's proposition in the provided STATEMENTS field below. You will be contacted by the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt or an agent of same regarding the opposing vote.
IT IS PROPOSED by the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt that the Delegates of Great Council ratify the Nemenhah Code as presently constituted for one year, to which I cast the following vote:
Thumb Skyward (up, agree)
Thumb Windward (sideways, impartial)
Thumb Earthward (down, oppose)
If an opposing vote is cast, you are required to make a statement regarding your reasons and position pertaining to the opposition of the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt's proposition in the provided STATEMENTS field below. You will be contacted by the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt or an agent of same regarding the opposing vote.
IT IS PROPOSED by the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt that the Delegates offer their sustaining vote of confidence in the Pehli Leadership of the Nemenhah People as currently constituted (review the Religion page on this site for a complete list of current leadership), to which I cast the following vote:
Thumb Skyward (up, agree)
Thumb Windward (sideways, impartial)
Thumb Earthward (down, oppose)
This Proposition is strictly honorary and is not required, but is offered as a modality of gratitude to the Pehli who have dedicated their valuable time and energy to the further restoration and establishment of the Nemenhah Lifeway in modern times. If an opposing vote is cast, you are required to make a statement regarding your reasons and position pertaining to the opposition of the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt's proposition in the provided STATEMENTS field below. You will be contacted by the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt or an agent of same regarding the opposing vote.
General Remarks
Feel free to leave any statements or comments you feel may be pertinent to the coming year.
I grant the Office of the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt permission to publish my General Remarks to the Nemenhah public:
Statements regarding my Opposing Vote:
STATEMENTS MADE IN THIS FIELD ARE KEPT IN STRICTEST CONFIDENCE! Please enter "N/A" if not applicable. If an opposing vote is cast, you are required to make a statement regarding your reasons and position pertaining to the opposition of the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt's proposition here. You will be contacted by the Nehm Tiwehkthihmpt or an agent of same regarding the opposing vote.